
Dan Beach Bradly Biography

Dan Beach Bradly Biography, We must make use of our talents gifted by the Lord for His glory. Even if we do not possess certain talents, we can always take efforts to develop some and nurture them.

Birth: 18.07.1804
Death: 23.06.1873
City: Marcellus
Country: America
Place of Vision: Thailand

Dan Beach Bradley served the Lord in many ways. Born in America, he dedicated his life to do God's work. He waited on the Lord to show him where he had to go to carry out his missionary work.

In His time, the Lord showed him the country of Thailand.

He graduated in the field of medicine and worked as a health officer. He travelled to Thailand in 1835, at the age of 32, where he served the Lord among group of people known as 'Siam'. he introduced the people to modern medicine. The people praised God as they begun to receive good treatment.

The Loss of his wife affected him badly. However, he strenghtened himself in the Lord believing that He will not forsake His own. He raised his three children in the love of christ.

First Thai-Newspaper
He is credited with numerous firsts, including bringing the first Thai-script printing press to Siam, publishing the first Thai newspaper, performing the first surgery in Siam, and introducing Western medicine and technology. He was also a great preacher who preached Jesus Christ in a simple language so that the people can understand.

The emperor of the country became more interested in the teaching of Christ than in the teachings of Buddhism. This gave Dan more courage to preach Christ boldly.

He started many schools, hospitals, and homes for the lepers. He also worked hard to educate the women. The size of the congregation did not matter to him as his only convern was to preach Jesus Christ. Dan Beach Bradly Biography

Beloved, have you preached the gospel to your neighbours ?

Take Away

" Lord, help me to do social work also, along with the gospel work, Amen!"

Word of Prayer

Dan Beach Bradly Biography

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