Hugh Lamiter Biography

Hugh Lamiter Biography, The reign of Queen Mary in England is most noted for persecutions of Christains who were the dissenters of the church’s catholic rule. All the people who loved the church’s reformation and those who clung to the scriptures were tortured and punished cruelly.

Birth : 1487
Death : 16.10.1555
Town : Thurcaston
Country: England
Place of Vision: England

Men, women, boys, and girls who led a holy life were imprisoned and tortured invariably. During her five-year reign, Mary had over 300 religious dissenters burned at stake.

Nicholas Ridley and Hugh latimer were the first to be tortured as soon as Queen Mary ascended the throne.

Closer to God

Latimer was a great bible scholar and an influential preacher. he was filled with fear of God and good manners. He was a staunch Roman Catholic up to the age of 26 adn served as a cardinal during the reign of Edward the sixth.. He served at the University of Cambridge as a cross-bearer.

But as he started reading the Bible, the truth dawned upon him, which changed his heart and beliefs. He found salvation only by confessing sins to Go and not to a man as was the church’s custom then. He experienced salvtion and openly admitted that the things he did were wrong.

He starte reforming the church with his new found biblical idealogies, which made him an enemy to the church and the queen. He resigned as the Bishop and preached upright living and devoutness in prayer. The queen ordered his imprisonment and execution for heresy.

On this same day (October 16) in 1955, he was tied to a post, and tiny fireballs were thrown at him. As the flames consumed his body, his soul took shelter in this God’s presence.

Beloved, Do you stand fast for Jesus Christ after your salvation ?

take away from the article

Lord, though many troubles come, I will glorify your name by the faith I have in you.

Word of Prayer

Hugh Lamiter Biography

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