Albert Leroy Shelton biography, The enmity between Chinese and Tibetans is of several centuries. In the late 1900s a Chinese general, in the Batang region, was mercilessly punishing the Tibetans for their rebellion. Their limbs were cut and they were left to die bleeding. A missionary approached that General requesting to attend the severely bruised people. The surprised General asked the missionary that, why he was interested in treating them, while the rebel’s own fellow countrymen weren’t interested. The missionary replied, “my Lord, did the same for me.” That missionary was Albert Leroy Shelton, a pioneer missionary to Tibet. Enlightened by the Gospel that general later became like a brother to Albert.
Birth : 09.06.1875
Home calling : 16.02.1922
Native Place : Indiana
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision : China, Tibet
Born in a humble family, Albert had a spiritually disciplined upbringing and he regularly attended church. He married Flora Beal in 1899 and completed his medical studies in 1903.
That same year he was appointed as a missionary to China by the Foreign Christian Missionary Society (FCMS). After his ordination, FCMS asked him to help Dr. Susana Carson with the Tibet mission, to which he readily agreed.
In China, Albert along with his wife and Dr, Carson, made difficult journeys along the rugged terrain of the Himalayan ranges and reached Tachienlu near the Tibetan border in 1904. He learned Tibetan and Chinese and started preaching the Gospel.
He traveled along the Sino-Tibetan border providing medical care to the sick and wounded. With an ultimate goal to reach, Lhasa, the Tibetan capital, he established a mission station at Batang.
Albert Leroy Shelton ministry in China, Tibet
Ministering along the borders was dangerous because one will be either caught by Chinese soldiers or robbers. Once Albert was kidnapped by the bandits and tortured for two months. After this incident, he went to America to recover but soon came back to continue the mission. On 16th October 1921, while Albert was finally on his way to Lhasa, he was ambushed by Bandits and died of a gunshot. A Martyr of Christ !!
Beloved, the Lord has done so much for you. Are you trying to follow his example?
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Lord, forgive me for my selfishness. Help me to emulate you in all my walks of life. Amen!
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