Alexander Hotovitsky

Alexander Hotovitsky

Alexander Hotovitsky biography, was an Orthodox Church missionary to America and a martyr during the Bolshevik oppression in Russia. Born in a pious family, Alexander received a good Christian upbringing from his parents, who instilled in him a love for the Church and the ministry.

Birth year: 11.02.1872
Home calling: 19.08.1937
Native Place: Kremenets, Volhynia (now Ukraine)
Place of Vision: North America and Russia

Soon after his graduation, Alexander was assigned to serve in the newly established St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in New York, America. Along with his wife Maria Scherbuhina, Alexander arrived in New York in 1896.

He concentrated his ministry especially among the African and Russian immigrants in America. He did not settle for a comfortable life in his Church, instead traveled all throughout North America and established churches in several towns including Philadelphia, Yonkers, and Passaic.

The architecturally remarkable and majestic Saint Nicholas Cathedral in New York stands today as the testament to his efforts.

Alexander Hotovitsky ministry in America & Russia

His missionary journeys were not smooth ones. Once he was beaten and put to jail by the businessmen for emphasizing the need to allow their staff to attend worship services on Sundays. Another time, as he was about to attend a meeting, a fanatic attacked him with a stick and severely bruised him. Yet, he went to the meeting and ministered powerfully, still in pain.

After serving for 18 years in America, in 1914 he was sent to Finland. There he worked hard to protect the disappearing Orthodox Philosophy in the church. From there, he was transferred to Moscow in 1917 which was reeling under the Civil War. There he shouldered the responsibility of rebuilding the ‘Christ the Savior Cathedral,’ both physically and spiritually.

Alexander's efforts to separate the church from the Government authorities earned him many enemies. He was arrested a couple of times and was once exiled to Siberia in 1924. In 1937, on the pretext that Alexander was aiding the revolution in Russia, he was arrested again and was executed on 19 August 1937.

Beloved, does your love for Christ forces you to work beyond your comfort zones?*

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“Lord, help me to push my limits beyond my strength and comfort to carry the Gospel. Amen!”

Word of prayer

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