Alexander Silver, Serving the Lord is not just about preaching the Word of God but also following it. The Word of God says, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ If you cannot show love towards your fellow human being whom you can see with your own eyes, how can you love the invisible God?
Birth: 02-06-1883
Home Calling: 11-04-1954
Native Place: Perthshire
Country : Scotland
Place of Vision: India
Alexander Silver, born in Scotland, came to India out of his love for the Indians and the indebtedness he felt towards God.
When the other missionaries thought that by converting the upper caste people to Christianity, the lower caste people could also be brought to accept Christ, Alexander believed and acted differently.
Alexander Silver ministry in India
He served the Lord in the Arakkonam district of Tamil Nadu. He embraced an ordinary life and lived amidst the poor and low caste people just like them. This enabled him to win them for Christ. The lives of the low caste people were filled with ignorance and poverty. They suffered from untouchability and lived like bond slaves.
It was at this juncture, Alexander educated the people and eventually became their guide. He welcomed people from different communities and placed them in his school, where he taught them Bible and other lessons. So many schools were started due to his sincere efforts. He built separate hostels for boys and girls, which made them independent and self-reliant.
He promoted equality among the people and treated all the believers as one in Christ Jesus. He showed no partiality, just like Christ. He lived out the Gospel before the people through his acts of kindness and compassion. It is believed that he traveled on horseback to preach the Gospel and his tireless efforts brought many people into the Kingdom of God. He finished his earthly race faithfully and went to be with the Lord in 1954. Alexander Silver
Beloved, do your acts reflect the Love of Christ?
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“Lord, strengthen me to live out the Gospel and gain souls for Christ. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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