Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray, He was the son of a Scottish missionary serving in South Africa. He had an incredible Christian upbringing and his home was frequently visited by missionaries including David Livingstone. Murray wanted to be a minister at a young age, but it was more of a career choice for him rather than an act of faith.

However, during his theological training at the Utrecht University, Netherlands, he experienced a change of heart, which he later described as 'I have cast myself on Christ'.

Birth : 09.05.1828
Death : 18.01.1917
City : Graaff-Relnet
Country : South Africa
Place of Vision : South Africa

During his theological studies, Murray heard about the ministry of Johann Blumhardt in Germany. He went to meet Blumhardt and saw God's power manifested in the form of revival, healing and miracles. It made a deep Impression of Murray who started praying for such revival in his home country.

Shortly after his ordication in 1848, Murray went back to South Africa and did a travelling ministry.

Andrew Murray ministry in South Africa

He often rode on horseback to villages and preached the gospel to the South African farmers. Later, he was appointed as the minister of the orange river Sovereighty, wher he tirelessly traveled to distant parishes to evangelize the people. In 1860, Andrew was appointed as the pastor of Worcester church, from where he led a holiness revival in South Africa. He transformed with withdrawn churches into missionary institutions.

He established three organizations, namelt the Ministers Missionary Union, The Bible and Prayer Union and the Layman's Mission League through which he directed gospel missions throughout South Africa. Murray's authoritative preaching was deeply rooted in hours of prayer. Whenever he wasnt preaching, he longed to spend in the presence of God.

In 1877, Murray also traveled to America and spoke at several holiness conventions all over the country. In 1879, when he became ill and lost his voice, he channeled his burden for mission through his writings. he published more than 240 books and tracts that still continue to change many lives.

Beloved, have you cast yourself on Christ?

Take away from the article

Lord, as I cast myself upon thee, carry me to the places where you want me to serve. Amen !

Word of Prayer

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