Arnolis Weera Sooriya, Two officers were fighting regarding who was more significant between the two. The case was brought to Weera Sooriya, who was the leader of 150 Europeans and 150 Indians. He decided to put an end to this fight and prove a solution to all those who has such thoughts in their minds. He called the two officers, made them sit, and begun to wash their feet.
While they both resisted, he replied, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me," quoting the Bible verse. Hearing this, the hearts of the officers melted like wax. They realized their mistake and embraced each other with brotherly love and affection.
Weera Sooriya was born into a Anglican family in Srilanka. At the age of 24 he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior in a worship service. He preached the love of Jesus christ to all his friends, and many people were saved through his ministry. He was the first member of the 'Salvation Army' in Sri Lanka. Weera Sooriya live a life filled with Christ's love for everyone.Gutentor Simple Text
Formation of Salvation Army :
Many young buddhist followers were angry with him and wanted to persecute him. Knowing this, he invited them to a deserted place and offered himself to them to be killed. Astonised at his behaviour, the young people realized their mistake and asked for forgiveness. Inspired by his christian walk and life of faith, those youngsters also accepted christ.
Death of Sooriya:
It is said that he had done what a Missionary could do in 50 years, Weera Sooriya had done it in 5 years and brought many to Christ. While nursing a fellow Missionary stricken with Cholera, he too contracted the disease. At a very young age, he finished his race and went to be with the Lord.
Beloved, are you ready to show a model of Christian faith?
Take away
"Lord, teach me every day to live an exemplary life before others, Amen ! "
Word of Prayer
Glad you made it here....Thank You !!
Arnolis Weera Sooriya
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