Arthur Neve

Arthur Neve

Arthur Neve biography, was a British medical missionary known for his work in Kashmir. Even from his childhood, he was fascinated by the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. He did not just want to be a doctor but a medical missionary who could heal both spirit and the body. He graduated from the University of Edinburgh in medical sciences and hoped to go to Uganda for missionary work.

Birth: 24-12-1859
Home Calling: 05-09-1919
Native Place: Brighton
Country: England
Place of Vision: Kashmir

However, he received an urgent call for help in the Kashmir Mission. So, he set out for India and reached Srinagar in 1882. Kashmir was a tense place accommodating Muslims and Hindus and there was no place for Christians. This is almost the case today also.

Being a Britisher himself, it was difficult for Neve to gain the confidence of the locals. But with loving gestures, he made friends among all the sections of society. Soon his brother Ernest Neve joined him in Kashmir and together they gave their blood and sweat for the welfare of the Kashmiris.

Arthur Neve ministry in Kashmir

Being a doctor, it was not the diseases that Neve was fighting but people’s superstition and ignorance. The locals thought that the medicines which Neve gave would alter their minds to become Christians. Sometimes, when some of the patients were made unconscious for performing surgery, the locals thought the Doctor has killed the patient and attacked him with sticks. Neve patiently endured all these sufferings to stay faithful in his calling.

Gradually, the mission grew and thousands of patients across North India were visiting the hospital. Neve’s medical consultation was always accompanied by a Gospel prescription for the soul. Amid his busy schedule, he did not let gospel work be hampered. He appointed pastors to visit every patient to comfort them through God’s word.

Also, Neve regularly trekked to mountain villages and conducted medical camps. He used to say, Jesus didn’t heal the people in his village only but traveled around the country. Amid famines, plagues, earthquakes, and wars, Neve persisted till the end for the Kashmiri people who fondly remember him as ‘Doctor Sahib.’

Beloved, do you have the burden for the lost souls in Kashmir?

Take away from the article

“Lord, open the doors for the Gospel of Peace in Kashmir. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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