Bertha Smith

Bertha Smith

Bertha Smith, Olive Bertha Smith who was born in 1888 in South Carolina accepted Lord Jesus Christ as her saviour when she was sixteen. After graduating in 1913, she worked as a teacher in an elementary school. Soon, she realized God's call to the mission Field. She enrolled herself in the Women's Missionary Training School, Kentucky and graduated in 1916.

Birth : 16-11-1888
Death : 12-16-1988
Place of Birth : South Carolina
Country : America
Place of Vision : China

Bertha was appointed as a missionary to China in 1917 by the Southern Baptist Convention. After arriving in Shantung Province, she began to learn Chinese. She then worked as a teacher in a girl's school and conducted Bible studies at her home.

While she was in china, she witnessed a great Christian spiritual awakening (Also known as the Shantung Revival) which led thousands of Chinese to seek forgiveness for their sins.

Bertha Smith ministry in China

Bertha considered each soul to be precious, and she was more concerned about saving individual souls rather than mass conversions. When Japanese forces invaded China during the beginning of World War II, Bertha stood firm in her ministry. she begun to serve those who were wounded in the hospitals. Her church services were always open, and new Bible Studies were started to encourage the people in the Word of God.

After serving in China until 1948, she was then sent to Taiwan as the first Foreign Mission Board-appointed missionary. After her retirement, Bertha never stopped laboring for Christ. At the age of seventy, she traveled to several countries exhorting people for missionary work. She also opened the 'Peniel Prayer Center' in South Carolina to encourage people to pray and seek the face of the Lord.

All through her life, she was a bright shining start leading thousands of people to Christ and encouraging many more for the service of God.

Beloved, are those around you encouraged by your walk of faith and prayer life?

Take away from the article

"Lord, make me the reason for the spiritual awakening in many lives. Amen!"

Word of Prayer

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1 thought on “Bertha Smith

  1. Just finished reading Bertha Smith’s story up until retirement at age 70 in her book, “Go home and tell.” It was an excellent read and inspirational seeing how God was with her through good times and bad, never leaving or forsaking her as she relied on Him for guidance and provision, opening and closing doors, and bringing joy all along her journey serving Him as LORD and Savior extraordinaire!!! He alone is worthy of our praise!!! 🎶 ❤️

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