Charles Prince Jones

Charles Prince Jones

Charles Prince Jones, He was a bishop, theologian, hymnist, poet and newspaper editor who comsidered the sole purpose of his life is to preach Jesus Christ. He was a sick child with resurring illness and diminishing hopes of his survival every year.

Birth : 09.12.1865
Death : 19.01.1949
Birth Place : Georgia
Country : America
Place of Vision: America

After losing his mother at the age of 17, he traveled to Memphins and Arkansas before joining the Locust Grove Baptist Church in Crittenden County. There he was baptised in 1884 and then became a lay Baptist preacher in 1885

He worked as a pastor at various Baptist churches in Arkansas. then he moved to the Mount Helm Baptist Church in Jackson Mississippi in 1895.

Ministry in Mississippi

He was a staunch advocate of holiness in the church. Together with Walter S. Pleasant, Charles Harrison Mason, and few others, he initiated a Baptist holiness movement in 1895. The movement took a nondenominational stance and advocated the substituion of biblical-based names for congregations instead of the term 'Baptist'.

As a result, many congregations withdrew from the Baptist convention and many new hiliness fellowships were formed. he pastored the 'Christ Temple' which was an eight-hundred-member congregation. In 1906, he was elected as general overseer of the 'Church of God in Christ' in Mississippi, which was later named as 'The Church of Christ' in 1915.

Jones is also well-known as a composer of gospel songs. He has composed the texts and music of more than one thousand hymns and anthems. His songs are powerful enough to melt the hearts of people and leas them on the path of salvation. Charles Jones, who won thousands of souls for Christ, fulfilled the sole purpose of his life which he considered as to serve and preach God. Charles Prince Jones

Beloved! Is the purpose of your life in line with God's will?

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Lord! I Surrender to fullfill Your Purposes for my life in this world, Amen!

Word of Prayer

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