Chen Dayong biography, was a chinese Methodist Evangelist and a missionary for the people beyond the Great Wall of China. He was fond of reading books in his youth and one day he came across a Christian book and found it to be intriguing. He was so much mesmerized by that book that he attended a Sunday Service of the London Missionary Society(LMS) Church.
Birth: -
Home Calling: 05-06-1900
Native Place: Beijing
Country: China
Place of Vision: China
A Few months later, he got baptized against his family's wishes. At that time, Chen was engaged to a girl chosen by his parents. His family tried to distract him from his new faith by attempting to perform his marriage sooner.
But chen said he would marry only if it was a Christian ceremony. His family was furious and disowned his completely. However, the girl observed the truth in Chen's faith and eventually got married to him, despite her family's opposition.
Chen Dayong ministry in China
But this new christian couple had no once in the world except the Church. Chen began to work as a watchman at LMS church and used this opportunity to share Gospel on the streets. Eventually, with a great burden for the people beyond the Great Wall, he left Beijing and began ministering among them.
It was the time when Boxer Rebellio was at its peak and Christians were massacred with no mercy. The townspeople requested Chen to flee to the mountains, but he refused to leave his beloved flock alone. After he made arrangements for the safety of his Church's believers, he began a journey to Yanqing mountains to hide till the rebellion subsided.
But some Boxer Rebels quickly overtook Chen's family. Chen has beheaded in front of his wife and children. The youngest daughter hid behind her mother crying "Oh, mother, what shall we do?" With unwavering faith, the brave mother consoled her child saying, " We will all go to our Heavenly Father together!" As soon as she spoke these words, the mother and the children were hacked to pieces.
Beloved, are you ready to sacrifice your priorities, pleasures, family and friends for Christ's sake?
Take away from the article
Lord, today I offer You my body as a living sacrifice. I commit my life, time, money, ambitions, plans, hopes, and desires to You. Amen!
Word of Prayer
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