Christian W Gericke, Great missionaries have always endured sufferings and troubles in their mission fields. Christian W Gericke was born in Pomerania in 1742 and studied theology at Halle University. He taught in an orphanage and supported the orphans, widows, and the people rejected by the community.
Birth: 05.04.1742
Death: Oct, 1803
Native: Kolobrzeg, Pomerania
Country: Germany
Place of Vision: India
He had a desire to serve God and found an oppurtunity to work in India. He set sail from England in 1766. But the ship got caught in a strom, which knocked the ship off its course for several months. By the time they neared the Chennai coast, the ship was totally wrecked and winds were unfavourable.
Finally they manages to reach the Ceylin coast where he served the local poeple for some time.
Ministry in Srilanka, India:
After a great ministry in Sri lanka for months, he travelled to India and reached the coromandel coast in 1767. He found that region to be torn with war and epidemics and local rulers were much against the preaching of the gospel.
Nevertheless, he learned Tamil, adopted their culture, and taught them the love of Christ in their language. He was not bothered by the difficulties he had to endure. Gericke W Gericke served in Cuddalore amid the conflict between French and English.
During the outbreak of an epidemic, several people succumbed to death among whom, his young son and daughter too lost their lives. But, Christian W Gericke unshaken in his faith continued to attend to the ill and saved many people.
He them moved to Nagipaattinam and then to Madras station and worked along with J P Fabricius who was quite old by the time. He also traveled to the southermost parts of Tamil Nadu, preaching the gospel, baptizing people, and establishing churches. Christian Wilhelm Gericke
Beloved! Are you encouraged to preach the gospel amidst the difficulties you have to endure ?
Take away from this article
" Lord! Help me to comfort those who are troubled at heart and not to be absorbed in my own problems. Amen!"
Word of Prayer
Christian Wilhelm Gericke
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