
Clement in bible

Clement in bible, During the Apostolic age, many supported the Apostles in the gospel ministry. Clement, who belonged to the tribe of judah, was one among them. It is believed that he was healed either by peter or john. He took part in various gospel ministries along with Luke and Timothy and endured the sufferings joyfully for the sake of God.

Place of Vision : Juda Corinth

When Paul referred to him in Phillippians 4:3, he said, " Clement has rendered great efforts in the gospel work." He went to Rome along with Paul and was trained by peter in the Bible teachings. He was greatly inspired to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world and tirelessly worked day and night towards fulfilling this motive.

Though he was referred only once in the Bible he served as a counsellor for many and eagerly worked as a leader of the church. Along with this he also preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. When there was a division in the church of Corinth, along with Paul he also strived hard to resolve the issue.

Through his Epistles, he beseeched the members of the church to shunenmity and anger and to adorn themselves with humility, patience and humbleness as shown by Jesus Christ, And he said that by practicing these they could become the true disciples of Christ.

During that time, certain misconception about the resurrection of the body was prevailing in the church. He Wrote many epistles in order to correct them and to lead those people in the truth of the Bible. He dies as a martyr in the plot executed by the Roman emporer Domitian against the Christians.

Beloved! Do you surrender yourself to walk in the truth of the Bible?

Take away

Lord, help me to continually grow in your love. Amen!"

Word of Prayer

Clement in bible

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