Clive Staples Lewis biography, Clive was neither a missionary nor a pastor, but a lay theologian. He drew many people to Jesus Christ through his walk of faith. He entered Oxford University for studies in 1916 and joined the British Army in 1917. He was posted in World War 1 where he was severly injured and demobilized. He restarted his studies at Oxford where he majored in Greek and Latin literature.
Birth: 29.11.1898
Death: 22.11.1963
Native Place: Belfast
Country: Ireland
He was also a novelist and author of more than 40 books, most of which were translated into more than 30 languages.
Lewis had rejected Christianity in his early teens and lived as an atheist through his 20s. The loss of his mother to Cancer and the horros of war drove him to pessimism and atheism.
However, under the influence of his two close friends, Tolkien and Hugo Dyson, Lewis returned to Christianity. He accepted Jesus Christ in 1931 as his personal Saviour and became a member of the Church of England.
Lewis set out in a new direction, most demostrably in his writing. He moulded his life in this world as an outstanding Christian. His faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
Lewis is also regarded by many as one of the most influential Christian apologists of his time and some of his famous work include Mere Christanity, The Problem of Pain, and Miracles, all of which were concerned with refuting poplar objections to Christianity. He has been called "The Apostle to the Skeptics" due to his approach to religious belief as a skeptic.
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Clive Staples Lewis biography
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