Cyrus Hamlin

Cyrus Hamlin

Cyrus Hamlin, was an American missionary who served in Constantinople, Turkey. In his youth, he went to Portland for his apprenticeship as a silversmith. There he regularly attended a Congregational Church. Impressed by his faith, his church leaders wanted to encourage him for missionary work. Gladly, he accepted the opportunity and graduated from Bangor Theological Seminary in 1837.


Birth : 05-01-1811
Home Calling : 08-08-1900
Native Place : Maine
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision : Turkey

Although he wished to go to Africa for the ministry, he was appointed by the American Board of Commissioner for Foreign Missions as a missionary to Turkey.

Along with his wife, Hamlin reached Constantinople in 1839. Working in Ottoman cities had its own challenges. Many Christians were forced to adopt Islamic culture, or they had to face repercussions.

Cyrus Hamlin ministry in Turkey

Regardless, the Hamlins put their trust in the Lord and began their study of the local vernaculars soon after their arrival to preach and gain souls for Christ. Their initial years of ministry were unsettling as they had to endure the hostility of the Armenian, Greeks, Russians, Catholic religious bodies, and the Turks.

Soon, Hamlin started a school and a seminary for boys at Bebek. There he also created a workshop and bakery to train the children in some industrial trades. The school and the workshop soon became a medium of Gospel discussion. During the Crimean War, the bakery supplied bread to the hospital where Florence Nightingale labored. Later in 1860, he established Robert College in Constantinople, Turkey, which eventually became one of the most prestigious institutions of higher learning in the Middle East.

The college played a significant role in Turkish modernization. Its pedagogical system that emphasized Biblical moral training and work ethics helped the students graduate as Christians and reformed citizens. Hamlin then returned to America and remained busy in theological teaching and raising funds for Arabian missionary work. Finally, he left his earthly abode at a ripe old age of 89 to be with the Lord in eternal bliss.

Beloved, are you remaining hopeful in these unsettling times?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to endure all the troubles with a blessed hope to receive the heavenly reward. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

Cyrus Hamlin

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