D L Moody

D L Moody

D L moody, Dwight Lyman Moody was one of the greatest evangelists of the nineteenth century. When he was 17, he left his home to seek employment in Boston where he worked at his uncle's shoe store. There he attended the Mt. Vernon Congregational church and became part of the Sunday School Class taught by Edward Kimball.

Birth : 05.02.1837
Death : 22.12.1899
City : Northfield
Country : America
Place of Vision : America, Europe

One day, Kimball spoke to Moody about the love of Christ which touched Moody's heart and he eventually accepted the Lord and devoted his life to serving Him. Shortly after this, Moddy moved to Chicago to make a fortune in the shoe business.

However, very soon, he realized that he cannot waste his life on amassing wealth rather should be spent to help the poor.

D L Moody ministry in Chicago

Moody established a Mission Sunday School in Chicago in 1858 to bring small children and lost youth to the love of Christ. base on the flourishing Sunday school ministry, Moody started the Illinois Street Church(now called the Moody Memorial Church) in 1864.

Moody also served at the Chicago YMCA, when the Civil War broke out, Moody worked through the YMCA to evangelize the Union Army. the Great Chicago Fire in 1861 was a turning point in Moody's life. though the fire had destroyed much of what Moody had built, it also forced him to rethink his ministry.

Until then, he was seeking God's help in his social endeavors, nut from this point he realized his call was to preach the kingdom of God. Moody was an innovative evangelist and used music as a valuable tool in his evangelistic campaigns. He along with his friend Ira Sankey held gospel campaings across several parts of America and Europe.

Moody used every oppurtunity to preach. Sometimes he preached six sermons a day which fueled the revival in churches irrespective of denomination. He also established institutes and conducted several conferences to train men and women for the ministry.

Beloved, will you stand for Christ and work for the expansion of His kingdom?

Take away from the article

Lord, help me preach the gospel Innovatively, Amen!

Word of Prayer

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