Dawson Trotman

Dawson Trotman

Dawson Trotman, was the founder of ‘The Navigators’ ministry. The ministry’s purpose was to make Christ known to the people and equip them so that they, in turn, can help fulfill Christ’s commission to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).

Birth : 25-03-1906
Home Calling : 18-06-1956
Native Place : Arizona
Country : United States of America
Place of Vision : United States of America

Although Dawson was born in a Christian family, by the time he turned 20, he became a thief and a drunkard. But one day, when the police reprimanded him, he committed himself to attend church again. He joined a local church and started to memorize scriptures, only to impress the girls.

But as he was reciting “Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life . . .” (John 5:24), he realized the truth of the Gospel. Then and there, he subjected his life to the Kingship of Christ.

Dawson Trotman ministry in United States of America

In the late 1920s, when Dawson was working at a service station, he met Les Spencer, a sailor. Dawson encouraged Spencer to share his testimony and scriptures with fellow sailors. With a soul-winning spirit, Spencer helped 12 of his fellow sailors to know Christ and brought them to Dawson. Dawson now trained these twelve men on ways to evangelize, who in turn earned 24 souls for Christ.

This ministry chain continued, and soon Dawson had more than 125 people ready to do evangelical work. This person-to-person teaching of God’s Word resulted in many thousands of men worldwide knowing the Word of God. As the chain of soul-winning ministry grew, Dawson turned his focus on helping the converts grow in Christ.

Thus, ‘The Navigators’ ministry was established. The ministry was purposed for doing the “follow-up” work among the newly born-again Christians and lead them to the right church in their own places. This ministry also helped many Christians to commit themselves to serve as missionaries in several parts of the world.

Beloved, are you doing the one-on-one ministry among the people around you?

Take away from the article

“Lord, strengthen me to fulfill the Great Commission by spiritual parenting the baby believers. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

Dawson Trotman

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