Don Richardson biography, The Sawi tribe in Indonesia was infamous for their treachery and deceit. They would pretend friendship with enemy tribes and invite them to a feast. Once their trust was gained, the Sawis would kill the visitors and eat their meat. This was the tribe that Don Richardson chose to work for.
At seventeen, Don gave his life to Christ and since then he wholeheartedly decided to become a missionary. After graduating from Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta, he moved to Kamur village in Indonesia to serve among the Sawi tribes.
When he tried to preach the Gospel, the tribals liked Judah more than Jesus because of Judah’s treacherous nature. It became difficult for Don to correctly contextualize the Gospel to them. After years of ministry and no converts, Don almost lost his hope to win those savages for Christ. Adding to his woes a terrible tribal war started.
Don Richardson ministry among SAWI tribe, Indonesia
During that war, a flying arrow almost killed Don’s son Stephen. Fed up by the situation, Don decided to leave the place for good. Sawis, although did not understand the Gospel, were fond of Don’s family for their medical services and didn’t want them to leave. Don was surprised at what they did next. The chief of the tribe took his son and gave him to the enemy tribe.
This was their custom of peace-making. It meant, that as long as Chief’s son is safe in the enemy’s land, there would be no war. Immediately Don contextualized the situation and explained to them how the Heavenly Father gave his Son, Jesus to this world to establish peace.
That day his message brought the necessary breakthrough. Since then, hundreds of Sawis accepted Jesus as their savior. Don also translated the New Testament into the local language. Not only the Sawis but now five other neighboring tribes are mostly Christians because of his efforts.
In 1977, Don returned with his family to Canada and continued to preach and lead missionary activities across several places in the world till his death in 2018.
Beloved, are you optimizing the situations to preach the Gospel?
Take away from the article
“Lord, give me wisdom to correctly contextualize the gospel to different groups of people. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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