Dr John Wesly Songs

Dr John Wesly Songs, Dr. John wesly was born and brought up in a Good Christian family. His parents Pastor Joseph Vijaya Kumar and Satya Vijaya Kumar got saved from Hindu backgrounds and they established Christ Worship Centre in the year 1980 in Rajahmundry, India. John wesly was encountered by Jesus and accepted Him as his personal saviour at the age of fifteen.

He wanted to do a job a earn money and support his parent's ministry until he received a higher call from God through Haggai 2:23. He waited on the Lord patiently and when he was sure of His calling in various ways, he dedicated himself and started ministry at a very young age of 19. He recognized that God called him to shine the light of his love, salvation and deliverance into the people's lives so that they can be free to enjoy their God- given inheritance.


In the year 2012, He got married to Blessie Selah, a Pastor's daughter who worked with TCS, Denver, USA. She is also committed for the ministry of God. Almighty God blessed her with lot of Spiritual gifts. She resigned her secured Job in America and serving the Lord full time along with Dr Wesly. God blessed both of them with three daughters Dhanya, Nithya and Prasastha.

Dr John Wesly is the founder and Chairman of John Wesly international Ministries, Young Holy Team, Bible Wonders Media Ministries, Gospel Explosion, Divine Wisdom Bible College, Dhanya Charitable Trust, John Wesly Foundation and Shekena Publications and Pastors League of India. He constantly encourages young people to use their spiritual gifts in the ministry of God. He believes that GOD always uses ordinary people to accomplish extra ordinary tasks.