Eliza Davis George

Eliza Davis George

Eliza Davis George biography, was an African-American missionary who is known for her ministry in Liberia. Born to formerly enslaved parents, Eliza accepted Christ as her savior when she was sixteen. After she graduated from Central Texas College, she began teaching in the same college.

Birth: 1879
Home Calling: 1979
Native Place: Texas
Country: United States of America
Place of Vision: Liberia

In 1911, Eliza attended a spiritual meeting where she heard a challenging sermon about ministering to God. Soon after that as she was praying, she saw a vision of Africans standing in front of the judgment seat of Christ, weeping and moaning, “But no one ever told us You died for us.” Eliza immediately knew in her heart that God was asking her to serve in Africa.

When she declared her intention to go to Africa, she faced a great deal of opposition. People discouraged her saying, “plenty of work remains to be done in America.” Yet, Eliza persevered for two years to garner support for her mission. Her answer to her opposers was “Would you say stay when God said to go?”

Eliza Davis George ministry in Liberia

With meager funds in hand, Eliza reached Monrovia, Liberia in 1914. She then moved to interior parts of Sinoe County where she began teaching and evangelizing. She established the school ‘Bible Industrial Academy,’ to teach the children to read the Bible and also some life skills. The village ministry flourished and within one year a thousand people accepted Christ.

In 1919, the Baptist church disbanded her mission due to a lack of funds. When Eliza feared that she might have to leave, a British missionary Dr. Charles George offered to marry her. Prayerfully, the couple continued to minister in Liberia till Charles’s death in 1939. However, Eliza stayed back for the next 33 years establishing 27 churches and training hundred of youngsters to minister.

Even at the age of 91, when she hardly could see or walk due to tropical cancer, she pushed herself with a walking stick counseling the people with God’s word. She went to be with the Lord at the ripe old age of 100 years.

Beloved, are you still staying when God has asked you to go and serve?

Take away from the article

“Lord, forgive my stubbornness, send me wherever there is a need. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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