Emm Whitmore - Door of Hope, 1890, Oct. 25th was the day when the light starte shining on the poor people's lives. It was the day when hope came into the lives of homeless people. It was the day when happiness became a reality for those who lived on the roadsides. Because Emma Whitmore started her ministry as a friend to the destitute women and mother to the forsaken.
Birth: -
Death: 1931
Country: America
Place of Vision: Worldwide
Borninto a wealthy family, Emma mingled with the elite in New York. But one day, Emma was persuaded by a friend to hear an evangelist jerry McAuley, an ex-convict himself.
God Changed her heart and reveledhis plans, which he was about to fulfill through her explicitly. She obeyed the Lord's commission and, after much prayer, started an organization called "Door of Hope" in America.
Ministry - organization called "Door of Hope"
God healed Emma Whitmore in a beautiful way who had a heart condition for 12 years. She involved herself in social service and spent all her wealth on the welfare of the poor. She was able to exhibit the love of Jesus Christ more in action than in words. It was not easy, though. She was heckled by the very people she came to help.
Yet, In Christ, she found the strength and love to carry on the ministry, especially for the young fallen girls. She opened the first "Door of Hope" in 1890, and within four years, the organization helped 325 girls. Emma's first concern was to enable them to know the power of Christ in their lived as she had experienced it.
Emma prayed about the organization's needs and never asked for help from any person, and God was faithful, fulfilling the needs at just the right moment, time after time. By the time Emma finished her race in this world in 1931, there were more than 100 " Door to Hope" organisations worldwide.
Beloved, what is your role in making hope blossom in others life ?
Take away from the article
Lord, I Commit myself to share with others the hope you have given in my life.
Word of Prayer
Emma Whitmore
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