Fortunatus Henri Caumont biography, was a French missionary who served in Rajasthan, India. Fortunatus was raised in the fear of God and from his childhood, he harbored a deep desire to serve God. But he lost his father at a very young age and had to take up the responsibility of sustaining the family. He worked hard, remained calm amidst the difficulties, and supported his family well. However, he reached a point in his life when he could no longer suppress his intense internal desire to serve God and went for ministerial training. He was ordained in 1896 and the following year he was sent to serve in Rajputana Mission in India.
Henri was moved with compassion when he saw the spiritual and physical barrenness of the Rajasthani people. He believed that a mother is the best teacher, and if all the mothers teach their children about the true God then the spiritual life of the next generation is secure.
Hence, he focused on reaching out to women with the Gospel. But the prevalent purdah system in India which didn’t allow men to talk to women became his obstacle.
Henri realized that only women can reach out to other women and hence started a congregation ‘Prabhudasi Sisters’ (Handmaids of the Lord) in Ajmer in 1906. This congregation became an effective tool to preach the Gospel not only in Rajasthan but also in other parts of North India.
Fortunatus Henri Caumont ministry in India
Though the Rajput men enjoyed the opportunities of education, women had no choice. Hence, Henri took up the task of providing education to Rajasthani girls by establishing ‘Mission Sisters of Ajmer.’ Through this congregation, he established several schools which are now prestigious educational institutions in Rajasthan.
Henri was a zealous missionary and continuously traveled preaching the gospel regardless of his health. During one such travel to Jabhua in Madhya Pradesh, his body became very weak. On 4th April 1930, he breathed his last with these words on his lips “Jesus, I love You without reserve, Amen.”
Beloved, are you loving Christ without any reserve?
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“Lord, help me love others as much as You have loved me. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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