Francis Asbury

Francis Asbury

Francis Asbury, the father of American Methodism, was born into a working-class Anglican family. As a child, he was a shy and introspective boy who was often bullied by his classmates. He eventually dropped out of school at the age of 12 to work as a blacksmith’s apprentice.

Birth: 20-08-1745
Death: 31-03-1816
Native Place: England
Place of Vision: America

His mother instilled in him a strong sense of fear regarding sinning against God and laid the foundations of his early faith. Ausbury accepted Christ as his personal Savior when he was fourteen and surrendered his life to serve the Lord thereafter.

The once shy boy now became an active preacher preaching the Word of God in the Methodist churches. He also served as an itinerant preacher in England, traveling several miles on horseback to preach the Gospel.

Francis Asbury ministry in America

On being called upon to serve in America by John Wesley, Asbury moved to North America in 1771. Initially, he stayed in Philadelphia and began to preach the Word of God vigorously. He considered it his God-ordained responsibility to tell everyone about salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

He wanted to reach everyone — all men and women of all ages, races, and backgrounds. In over 45 years of service in America, the Methodist churches grew in leaps and bounds. Asbury method of missionary work followed the example of disciples of Jesus Christ. He had no home, no office, no staff, and no baggage. He only owned few books and a horse that he rode thousands of miles in America.

Despite intermittent illness, Asbury preached more than 16,000 sermons. He set the order in churches and appointed circuit riders-preachers who traveled from church to church and ministered unto the people, especially in the rural areas. He also opened Sunday Schools to teach the children the Word of God and other schools to make them learn to read and write.

Asbury continued his arduous missionary travels well into his old age until he was laid to rest in 1816.

Beloved, have you overcome your shyness to share the Gospel with your friends?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to forsake the worldly baggage and grow to be Your true disciple. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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