Francis Xavier biography

Francis Xavier biography

Francis Xavier biography, December 3, 1952. It was an island called "Shangchuan" situated in the South China Sea. In a small hutment on that island, an old person was lying in his sickbed holding a cross in his hand. Though the light in his eyes was dimming, his lips were brimming with the praises of God. He was surrendering his life into the hands of his God through prayer.

Birth : 07.04.1506
Death : 03.12.1552
Place : Navarre
Country : Spain
Vision : Asia

Who was he? Why should he die on that Island? How did he go there and why? It was Francis Xavier, the ambassador to the East. There was none other who traveled that far after the Apostles.

He lit the gospel lamps in many countries within a span of 10 years

Ministry in Asia

He led thousands of souls to Jesus Christ. In 1542, He came to Goa in India and rendered immeasurable services. he founded more than 45 prayer groups in Thiruvangoor. He was the reason for the Roman Catholic churches to flourish in many parts of India.

He also worked among the people called 'Paravas' on the island of Mannar. He was the pioneer missionary to Japan and served in that country for over 2 years. He also was the first Christian missionary to venture into Borneo, the Maluku Islands, and other areas.

Though he had the struggle to learn local languages, faced opposition, and tossed by loneliness several times, the fellowship he had with Jesus Christ was his only strength and support. That enabled him to survive any hardship.

In an attempt to extend his missionary work to China, he died of fever on the Island of ShangChuan while he was waiting for a boat that would take him to mainland China. Later his mortal body was brought to India, Which is now kept in a church in Goa. Francis Xavier biography

Beloved, how many places have you visited to spread the Gospel?

Take Away from the article

Lord! Make me an ambassador of Your Good News like Francis Xavier, Amen !

A Word of Prayer

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