George Fox

George Fox

George Fox, He was the eldest child of Christopher Fox, who was a weaver by profession and a churchwarden in Fenny Drayton. George apprenticed at a local shoemaker and was known for his diligence in wool trading. He had a religious disposition since his childhood, and the Bible was central to his life. He used to often engage in long religious discussions with the Clergymen.

Birth : July 1624
Death : 13.01.1691
City : Fenny Drayton, Leicestershire
Country : England
Place of Vision : England

He was saddened and confused by the sinful lives of people who professed Christianity. Torn by the spiritual conflict, he left his home and traveled to London where he met several clergymen to seek inner peace.

After an unsucessful quest of answers from men, George wrestles in God's presence and eventually experienced the light of God within him.

George Fox ministry in England

In 1647, he started preaching boldly to people to ignore the rituals and be converted into the spirit. He believed that anointing of the Holy Spirit is the qualification for the ministry rather than the ecclesiastical study. George's preaching was grounded in the scriptures and brought revival in several church denominations. By 1652, zealous young people joined in preaching who called themsleves 'Friends of the truth' but were mocked as 'Quakers' by the haters.

Thousands of people were converted and renewed in their spirits. George, however was not welcomed by all the due to his uncompromised preaching style. His way of putting God over wordly authorities earned him enemies within and outside the church. George was thrown out of the church, repeatedly beaten, and imprisoned eight time for not conforming to the establishment.

The more the number people converted through his preaching, the more the persecution intensified. Nevertheless, George with indomitable courage suffered it all for the truth. Although George was a fierce preacher, he was a gentle and persuasive pastor. After extensively travelling in Europe, the West Indies, and America, he spent his last days exhorting Christians though his writings.

Beloved, have you left the ritualistic Christian Life?

Take away from the article

Lord, free me from the ritualistic devotion and make me an honest seeker of truth. Amen!

Word of Prayer

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