Guido Fridolin Verbeck biography, Once, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese forces saw a floating book in the water. When he sent someone to fetch it, he found it to be a copy of the New Testament. Wanting to know about it in detail, he was led by a fellow officer to the only missionary in Japan. The missionary was Guido Fridolin Verbeck, who was courageously serving in that country amidst severe opposition. Verbeck explained to him Christ's love and helped him to find the true God.
Birth: 23-01-1830
Home Calling: 10-03-1898
Native Place: Zeist
Country : Netherlands
Place of Vision: Japan
Verbeck was a Dutch pioneer missionary who served in Japan in the mid-nineteenth century. After completing his engineering studies, he went to America to work in a foundry. While working there, he almost died because of Cholera.
He then made a vow to God that if he gets better he will become a missionary. He kept his word and enrolled in a New York seminary.
Guido Fridolin Verbeck ministry in Japan
Accepting the Dutch Reformed Church's invitation, Verbeck and his wife Maria Manion went to Nagasaki as missionaries in 1859. Since preaching Christianity was prohibited in Japan then, he spent the first couple of years in preparation ministry. While he learned Japanese, he also taught English to the eager local students.
This became a subtle medium of introducing Christ to the Japanese. Although the Japanese were good at heart, they were proud of their culture and didn't tolerate Christianity being preached. Hence, Verbeck had to move from place to place to stay out of the danger of being killed by the dangerous Shimazu clan.
Despite the anti-western uprisings and lack of visible changes among the Japanese, Verbeck continued to serve in Japan. With his ability to teach western science and languages to the students, he earned the trust of the Japanese government and became their advisor. For forty years, he led the progress of the Protestant mission in Japan and played an essential role in opening Gospel doors in Japan.
Beloved, have you fulfilled the vows that you have made to God?
Take away from the article
“Lord, forgive my unfaithfulness. I'll fulfill all my vows made to You. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
Guido Fridolin Verbeck
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