Harry Schaeffer

Harry Schaeffer and Emma Sorgen

Harry Schaeffer and Emma Sorgen biography, was born about seventeen miles from the famous city of Berne, Switzerland. When she was two years of age, her parents came to America. Emma became a member of the Church of Christ and decided to be a missionary. She attended Hiram College, graduated from the Pestalozzi-Froebel Kindergarten College, Chicago, taught for a couple of years, and then entered the College of Missions preparatory to going to India.

Birth: -
Home Calling: -
Homeland: United States of America
Place of Vision: India

Harry Schaeffer, of Ohio, went to the College of Missions after his formal education. There he met Sorgen. Both were eager to go to India. In June 1913, they were married in Kenton, Ohio, and that fall they sailed for India.

Their first few months in India were spent in Lucknow in a union language school, and they were then stationed in Rath, and later in Pendra Road, for evangelistic work. They went from village to village, living in tents and preaching the gospel to many.

After furlough, about 1920, the Schaeffers were stationed in Bilaspur where Mr. Schaeffer looked after the church, superintended the village evangelistic work and the boys' schools, and cared for the administrative duties of that large station.

Harry Schaeffer and Emma Sorgen

He supervised the construction of the Jackman Memorial Hospital and Nurse's Training School, and later the Burgess Memorial High School for girls. Following furlough in 1926, the Schaeffers returned to India as independent missionaries and located in the already well-occupied station of Bilaspur.

They carried on the independent mission work in Bilaspur until Schaeffer died in Calcutta in April 1946.

Beloved, what is the desire of your heart? To work for God's kingdom or for your own needs?

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