Hope Masterton Waddell

Hope Masterton Waddell

Hope Masterton Waddell biography, was an Irish medical missionary who served in Jamaica and Nigeria. Even from his young age Waddell expressed a strong desire to join the ministry but couldn't because of his speech impediment. However, if God can use stammering Moses to lead lakhs of Israelites, can't he use Waddell too? Yes! God opened for Waddell the doors for missionary work while he was apprenticing at a drug store.

Birth: 14-11-1804
Home Calling: 18-04-1895
Native Place: Dublin
Country : Ireland
Place of Vision: Jamaica and Nigeria

After a ministerial training in Edinburgh, he was sent by the Scottish Missionary Society to Jamaica for missionary work.

Jamaica, infamously known as "the grave of Europeans," was a difficult place to serve. The weather conditions were challenging, and so were the social conditions that were ridden with the slave trade.

Hope Masterton Waddell ministry in Jamaica and Nigeria

Waddell traveled through Jamaica's length and breadth, understood the local requirements, and finally established a mission station at Cornwall. There he worked among the slaves and helped several of them to experience freedom in Christ. He also experienced the terrors of the slave revolt in 1839.

The colonialists blamed him for giving the slaves the ideas of freedom and equality. Still, amongst several challenges, Waddell showed Christ's love to both the slaves and the owners. After 16 years of ministry in Jamaica, Waddell was asked to serve in Calabar in Nigeria. Gladly, the missionary reached Calabar with few others in 1846.

He settled at Creek Town, where people extensively practiced witchcraft. He worked hard to end bad social practices such as witchcraft, polygamy, human sacrifice, and infanticide. He earned the trust of King Eyo and taught him the Ten Commandments. Based on this, King Eyo completely reformed the Calabar society.

Being a medical expert, he also worked hard to curb the spread of Yellow fever there. His missionary activities also spread to other areas like Arochukwu, Ohafia, Abiriba, and Afikpo. After 12 years of intense missionary work at Calabar, Waddell retired to his home country, where he continued to minister till his death in 1895.

Beloved, God is willing to use you despite your physical impediments. Are you willing to serve?

Take away from the article

“Lord, make Your strength perfect in my weakness and use me for Your glory. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

HerHope Masterton Waddell

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