Ida Scudder

Ida Scudder biography

Ida Scudder biography, Born in India, Ida Sophia Scudder was the granddaughter of an American medical missionary, Dr. John Scudder Sr. Although born into a family serving as missionaries for two generations Ida was not interested in missionary work. However, she understood her purpose in life when she found out that three young women died in childbirth one night because there was no woman doctor to treat them.


Birth: 09-12-1870
Home Calling: 24-05-1960
Native Place: Ranipet
Country : India
Place of Vision: India

Those deaths propelled her to a life of medical service for women and the underserved. Following her graduation from the Cornell University Medical School, US, she returned to India as a qualified doctor in 1900. She treated women and children for the next two years at a small dispensary in Vellore.

To accommodate the growing need for healthcare, she then opened the 40-bedded Mary Taber Shell Memorial Hospital in Vellore in 1902. She also attended to the rural population and established roadside clinics in the nearby villages.

Ida Scudder ministry in India

Ida knew that she needs to train Indian women to expand the healthcare among women. First, she began to train nurses, compounders, and midwives. Then, when no one believed that Indian women would want to pursue a medical profession, Ida pressed on and opened Missionary Medical School for Women.

Later, this school became the Christian Medical College, a renowned institution for medical treatment, studies and research. Now, the hospital cares for over two million patients and trains one thousand doctors, nurses and other medical professionals each year. It has been a witness to the healing ministry of Christ through excellence in education, service and research.

Ida’s motto in life was the same that Jesus had “to serve and not to be served.” With her services, she brought new hope and dignity to women in South India by providing them benefits of modern medicine previously denied them by cultural barriers. Known to be a compassionate woman, Ida treated the patients and the students as her own family.

Her dedicated service to God and humankind, her tireless work, pioneering spirit, and deep practical faith encourage many medical professionals and us even today!

Beloved, the need is great now, more than ever. How are you serving the needy?

Take away from the article

“Lord, may I live to serve and not to be served. Amen!”

Word Of Prayer

Ida Scudder biography

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