James Gilmour biography

James Gilmour biography

James Gilmour biography, Once an English preacher wanted to come to India and peach the gospel. So, he wrote a ltter to Rabindranath Tagore, one of India's greatest poets, asking his opinion.

Word of Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore wrote back to him saying, "If you desire to live like Jesus Christ reflecting him image then you may come to India and it will be a great joy. If preaching gospel is your only motive, Kindly do not come."

Birth: 12.06.1843
Death : 21.05.1891
Place: Cathkin
Country : Scotland
Place of Vision : Mangolia

This strongly incites the idea that gospel ministry is not only about preaching but living according to the word of God as well.

In Todays world, Christ is being preached in many places but it is hard to find where the Christ like nature is being practiced.

If this wasn't the scenario, then the entire world would have been saved. When we prepare ourselves for the gospel ministry we should keep this in mind.

Ministry of James Gilmour in Mangolia

James gilmour, born in 1843 understood this clearly when he was doing his university studies. He whole heartedly dedicated himself for Lord's ministry and became a missionary in the year 1867. After receiving his ordination in 1870, he went to serve the orthodox Mangolian people who were the followers of Buddhism and spoke nomadic language.

He changed everything of his own: his attire, his language, his food habits, his habitat and his demeanour to reach the unreached. he changed his whole life for the cause of their salvation. Though he faced many troubles and hardships, he was never dissuaded from his decision.

Such was his dedication and determination. Even after his death of his loving wife due to sickness, he worked among these people for 21 years and won many souls for the Lord. Through his dedicated life he led thousands of souls to join the flock of Jesus Christ. James Gilmour biography

Beloved! Will you live as Jesus in your own life ?

Take away from the article

" Lord, help me to live an exemplary life which can influence the lives of others. Amen!"

Word of Prayer

James Gilmour biography

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