John Calvin

John Calvin, he was one of the prominent people who brought about the great 16th century revolution in the church. He was a great revolutionary who founded the church of reformation. The protestant movement was considered an enemy and the Roman Catholic church tried hard to crush the revolution. During this time John Calvin turned the people towards Christ by his novel thinking.

Birth : 10.07.1509
Death : 27.05.1564
Place : Noyan
Country : France
Place of Vision : Geneva

He acquired his law degree in 1532 in Paris where he came into the contact with people who were praying for church reformation. he was an accomplished author, a fluent French speaker, and an avid Bible scholar.

He read the Bible and stood up against the wrong ideologies prevalent in the catholic church. He publicly condemned the authority of the pope in church.

John Calvin’s ministry in Geneva

Hencem he was persecuted and also was expelled from the church. He had to flee from his town and live under disguise for some time. Nevertheless, he surrendered himself to God to protect the flame of reformation and to make it shine more. He went to Genev and started his ministry based on the actual Biblical doctrine.

For the next thirty years, he labored to reform and establish churches througout Europe. He made it possible for people to own a Bible for themselves and helped them to get rid of their superstitious beliefs. He taught the truths of the Bible staunchly and remained patient in adversities. His unique and overaching theme to preach was God’s sovereignty.

He authored several books on Biblical doctrine. Calvin preached every day worked beyond his physical limits. When he could’nt walk, he was carried in a wheelchair to the church to preach. To those who urged him to rest, he asked, “would you have the Lord find me idle when he comes?” threats and persections did not deter him from preaching Christ.

John Calvin (1509–1564) was indeed a key figure in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century. Here are some key points about John Calvin and his contributions to the Reformation:

  1. Early Life and Education:
    • John Calvin was born in Noyon, France, in 1509. He studied law at the University of Paris.
  2. Conversion to Protestantism:
    • Influenced by the ideas of the Protestant Reformation, Calvin underwent a religious conversion and embraced Protestant beliefs, particularly those associated with the teachings of Martin Luther.
  3. Institutes of the Christian Religion:
    • Calvin’s most significant work is “Institutes of the Christian Religion,” first published in 1536. It served as a systematic theology of Protestantism, providing a comprehensive and organized presentation of Reformed theology.
  4. Geneva:
    • Calvin became a leading figure in the Reformation in Geneva, Switzerland. He was invited to help establish a reformed church and a theocratic government in the city. Calvin’s influence in Geneva was profound, and his ideas shaped the city’s religious and civic life.
  5. Calvinism:
    • Calvin’s theological teachings are often summarized in what is known as Calvinism. This includes doctrines such as predestination, the sovereignty of God, and the authority of Scripture. Calvinism had a significant impact not only in Geneva but also in other parts of Europe and later in the development of various Protestant denominations.
  6. Ecclesiastical Organization:
    • Calvin played a key role in establishing a system of church government that became known as Presbyterianism. This involved a hierarchical organization of church elders and a more disciplined church structure.
  7. Spread of Calvinism:
    • Calvin’s influence extended beyond Geneva. The Reformed tradition inspired by his teachings spread to other parts of Europe, including Scotland, the Netherlands, and parts of France.
  8. Legacy:
    • Calvin’s ideas and theological legacy had a lasting impact on the development of Protestantism. His emphasis on the sovereignty of God and the authority of Scripture continues to shape Reformed theology.

While Calvin was a central figure in the Reformation, it’s important to note that the Reformation itself involved a complex network of reformers, theologians, and political figures who contributed to the transformation of the Christian Church in the 16th century.

Beloved, will you hearken only to the thruths of the Bible ?

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“Lord, I offer myself to obey your commands and own your promises. Amen.”

Word of Prayer

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