John Harper

John Harper biography

John Harper biography, was born into a Christian family in Scotland and accepted the Lord as his personal savior at the age of 13. As a young man, Harper worked in a mill during the day and preached the Gospel during his free time in his village. His preaching manner was more like pleading with people to repent and accept the Lord as their savior.

Birth: 29-05-1872
Death: 14-04-1912
Native Place: Houston
Country: Scotland
Place of Vision: England

Upon the invitation of a Baptist minister, he joined the Baptist Pioneer Mission in London and was sent to Scotland on a mission. He became the first pastor of Paisley Road Baptist Church in Scotland. Under his pastoral care, the church grew amazingly with the power of God and His truth.

Harper also ministered at the Moody Church in Chicago, and during this time, the church experienced one of the most wonderful revivals in its History.

John harper ministry in England

After getting back to Britain, he was again invited to return and continue his ministry. He quickly made arrangements for his travel along with his six-year-old daughter Annie Jessie on board the Titanic. On the night of April 14, 1912, as the ship was cruising over the North Atlantic Ocean, it struck an iceberg ripping open several watertight compartments. The water began to pour into the ship.

As the ship was sinking, Harper was heard shouting, “Women, children, and the unsaved into the lifeboats!” Harper knew that the believers were ready to die, but the unbelievers were not. Gathering some people around him on deck, he raised his hands in prayer to comfort them.

He was also seen running after people to turn to Christ and be saved. As the ship began to lurch, he jumped into the icy waters and swam frantically to everyone he could reach to beseech them to accept Christ to be saved. Even in the face of death and drowning, Harper’s main concern was the salvation of souls.

Beloved, how concerned are you for the salvation of others?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me share the Gospel of salvation with others at all times and in all situations. Amen!”

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John Harper biography

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