John Hunt biography, was born to a farm bailiff in Lincolnshire, England. Owing to his family’s poor financial condition he couldn’t complete his education and started working since he was 10. Although his mother was a spiritual woman, John only prayed for God’s protection whenever he was afraid. However, a severe sickness at the age of seventeen almost killed him and that situation changed his perspective towards God. He fell to his knees and gave his life to the savior.
Birth: 13-06-1812
Death: 09-10-1848
Native Place: Lincolnshire
Country: England
Place of Vision: Fiji Islands
After much prayer, he joined Wesleyan Theological Institution in London to train for missionary work. At London, he worked among the outcasts and the young people and preached the Bible to them. Following his ordination, Hunt was asked to join a mission in Fiji in 1838.
Fijians were known to be thieves and liars who murdered their sick and robbed graves for food. Boldly, John along with his wife set out to preach the Gospel to these savages.
John Hunt ministry Fiji Islands
The initial days were difficult for them, as the locals roasted humans within the eyesight of his home. However, John continued with his missionary work trusting God for his and his family’s protection. He mastered their local language and observed their customs that helped him to introduce Christ to the locals. Although the conversions were slow, he waited patiently as the farmer waits for the rain.
Eventually, revival broke out in Rewa, Somosomo, and Viwa islands and many accepted Christ as their Savior. He translated the New Testament into the native language and taught the people to read it.
John was a humble man with extraordinary enthusiasm. He was one of those men who cannot rest long while there is work to do. Despite his limited education, he had a sound understanding of Biblical truths which helped him to gain many souls for Christ. He worked relentlessly until his strength broke down and he died at the age of 36. John Hunt
Beloved, are you willing to serve the Lord wherever He may send you?
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“Lord, help me to gain souls for Christ through implicit obedience to You. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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