Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards

Jonathan Edwards, Jonathan Edwards was one of the most notable theologians and a revivalist preacher from America. Born into a lineage of pastors and ministers, Edwards led a Godly life since his childhood. When his contemporaries found the study of natural science to push them towards Deism, Edward saw nature to be more and more evidence of God's masterful creation.

Birth: 05-10-1703
Death: 22-03-1758
Native Place: Connecticut
Country: America
Place of Vision: America

During his college, he often went into the woods to pray and worship God. Despite leading a religious life, Jonathan saw his soul emptiness and eventually realized that none of his righteous deeds would save him. In 1721, the work of redemption began in his heart, and his soul started burning for Christ's Kingdom.

At the age of nineteen, he started preaching in First Presbyterian Church in New York and then moved to minister alongside his father in Connecticut.

Jonathan Edwards ministry in America

In 1729, he took up the responsibility of shepherding the church in Northampton. Supported ably by his wife Sarah Pierrepont, Edwards preached with passion and labored joyfully in Northampton. He was passionate, yet a quiet preacher and his sermons often concentrated on 'saving grace of God.'

A revival spread during the period 1733-35 that saw hundreds of people accepting Christ, especially the youth. Crowded prayer meetings became a common sight. Besides caring for his church, Edwards started itinerating widely to preach in other places. The revival spread across the Connecticut River Valley and as far as New Jersey.

Despite few setbacks, denominational criticism, and personal disappointments, Edwards stuck to his faith during his worst. Edwards was a man who believed the Word of God in truth and never cared about popular opinions.

His theological stance regarding Predestination, Baptism, and Communion disagreed with the then church rituals that led to his removal from being the church's pastor. Accepting the unforeseen situation and no financial help, Edwards continued to serve his Lord with much freedom among the villages until his last days.

Beloved, is your soul burning for the expansion of Christ's Kingdom?

Take away from the article

“Lord, mercifully set me ablaze with the fire of Your Holy Spirit. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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