Joshua Marshman

Joshua Marshman

Joshua Marshman biography, was born in a poor family in Westbury Leigh, Wiltshire. Though his family could not provide him with good education by the abundant grace of God he studied theology and mastered Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac, and Latin languages. His linguistic skills and memory were excellent. Inspired by the missionary work of William Carey in India and acknowledging his call for more missionaries, he committed himself for the same. Thus, he came to India in 1799 with his wife Hannah and children.

Birth: 20-04-1768
Home Calling: 05-12-1837
Native Place: Wiltshire, Great Britain
Country: England
Place of Vision: India

The missionary couple established a boarding school in Bengal. Marshman had a concern for the children’s education and spent much of his time on the plans of local schools. He also authored a small book “School Dialogues; or, lessons on the commandments and the way of salvation” for children.

Marshman, William Carey, and William Ward came to known as “The Serampore Trio”. Despite the hostility of the Government and several discouragements, they made combined efforts for the propagation of truth and knowledge in India.

Joshua Marshman ministry in India

Translating the Scriptures and printing Christian literature were among their main tasks. In 1818, this trio established ‘Serampore College’, the 2nd oldest college in India that continues to render its services even today. The gifted linguist Marshman started to study the Chinese language in 1806. After his 15 years of unceasing toil along with Lassar, the first translation of the Bible into Chinese was published in 1821.

Marshman’s disciplined life is exemplary to every child of God. He usually rose at four and finished half the works of the day before breakfast. He had a great zeal for missions which increased after every new difficulty. The last question which he asked of those around him was, “Can you think of anything I can yet do for it?"

Beloved, how fervent is your commitment to do God’s work?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to discipline my life and devote my time to do Your work. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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