Kiernander biography, Johann Zacharias Kiernander was born in Sweden in the year 1710. Kiernander was the first missionary to establish a base in bengal even before William carey and Henry Martin arrived. he studied theology at Hale University and served as a teacher in Latin.
Kiernander Biography
Birth : 1710
Death : 29.12.1799
Place :-
Country : Sweden
Place of Vision : India
In 1739 he received the call of God to serve in India and reached Tharagambadi. Kiernander worked as a Tranquebar missionary in Cuddalore in Tamilnadu. But, after the French had taken over this city in 1758, Kiernander had to leave the city and move to Calcutta.
He reached Calcutta in 1759 and accomplished a great work for God in that place.
Ministry in India
His keen interest in expounding the Bible, his enthusiasm, and his straight forwardness attracted many people there. many were saved and baptized. Sunday services were held in a rented room and he preached to the English and local people in their own languages respectively. Hundreds of non-Christians were saved through him.
His marriage earned him a good fortune. He used this as an opputunity to help the Christian people who were living in poverty and built several schools. He built the Old Mission Church in Calcutta and the living quarters for missionaries.
He is also credited for founding one of the first printing presses in Calcutta. Meanwhile, he lost his wife to Cholera but yet continued to labor in God's vineyard amidst many hurdles. He stayed true to his call and finished his race on this earth fulfilling God's divine purpose. Kiernander biography
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"Lord! Help me to preach your gospel to the unreached, Amen"
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