Liang A-Fa

Liang A-Fa

Liang A-Fa biography, was possibly the first ordained Chinese evangelist who is known for his ministry in parts of China and Malaysia. Born in a staunch idol-worshipping family in China, Liang obtained classical Chinese education. But poor financial conditions forced him to take up a job as a printer. During this time, he met Robert Morrison, a Scottish missionary in China.

Birth: 1789
Home Calling: 1855
Native Place: Gulao
Country: China
Place of Vision: China; Malaysia

The conversion of Liang to Christianity is proof that the Word of God is living and active. Morrison employed Liang to assist him in printing the Bible. Liang’s Chinese skills also helped Morrison in Bible Translations.

But, as printing Bibles into Chinese was prohibited on the mainland, Morrison sent him to William Milne, a British missionary who was serving in Malacca. Despite Milne and Morrison's counseling, Liang never gave way to Gospel in his life and only worked for money.

But as he was preparing wooden blocks for printing the Bible, God’s word gradually started melting his heart. The more he printed the more he understood the love of God. Finally, a day came in 1816, when he went to Milne and requested Baptism.

Liang A-Fa ministry in China

With newfound joy, he reached his village with Gospel tracts. But the authorities caught him and burned all the tracts. He was severely tortured and imprisoned for forty days. But the joy that overflowed in Liang even amid the sufferings surprised many. Some of his villagers including his wife accepted Christ.

Liang did most of his ministry in Malacca and Macao. He worked with Peter Parker, a medical missionary, and served as a chaplain in his hospital. He believed that an illness is God’s way of softening humans’ hearts and so never lost an opportunity to visit the sick to share the Gospel.

Liang was also particularly known for his Gospel tracts which were contextual to Chinese culture. Even after more than 160 years of Liang’s death, his books and articles are still effective means of leading the Chinese to God.

Beloved, are you visiting the sick and sharing the Gospel with them?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to be a Good Samaritan who can tend to the physical and spiritual wounds of the people. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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