Nelson Bell

Nelson Bell

Nelson Bell biography, Lemuel Nelson Bell was born into a devout Christian family and gave his life to Christ at the age of eleven. He desired to pursue law. But when a friend asked him that whether he ever thought of becoming a medical missionary, Nelson heard the voice of God and understood what God wanted him to do. So, he studied medicine.

Birth: 30-07-1894
Home Calling: 02-08-1973
Native Place: Virginia
Country: United States of America
Place of Vision: China

In 1916, along with his wife Virginia, Nelson sailed to China. He started to work at the “Love and Mercy Hospital”. He opened clinics in rural areas and also visited the local prison to provide medical care to the inmates.

He stayed back in China even during the dangerous wartimes. For his kind care, the people gave him the name “Aihua” which means “Lover of the Chinese people.”

He was an efficient physician, hard-working and a successful surgeon who always toiled to improve his medical skills. Yet, the reason for his success as a missionary was his love for souls and kindness that he poured into his work.

Nelson Bell ministry in China

He wrote on a note the fruit of the Spirit– “Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Meekness, and Self-Control” and kept it under the glass of his desk. He believed that it is more important than any other talent and tried to show those characteristics daily to the people whom he served. His prime aim always was to spread the gospel and win souls. He maintained the list of discharged patients in order to follow them up by Chinese evangelists.

In 1941, he returned to America and continued to provide medical services. During his seventeen years of service as a member of the Board of World Missions of the Southern Presbyterian Church, he visited missionaries all over the world and conveyed their concerns to the Board.

Through his journals ‘The Southern Presbyterian Journal’ and ‘Christianity Today’ he voiced out his opposition to liberal theology and gave a call to return to Bible-centered theology. Though he suffered from four heart attacks he never set back to rest in serving God till his last breath.

Beloved, are you exercising the Fruit of the Spirit in your daily life?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to cultivate the Fruit of the Spirit in me and to bear much fruit for You. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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