Peter Marshall biography, was a Scottish-American preacher and a pastor of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington D.C. Born in Scotland, Marshall, had to flee his house due to his abusive stepfather. He did menial jobs to support himself and studied at night college. Even from his childhood, he was inspired by the life of David Livingstone and aspired to become like him.
Birth : 27.05.1902
Home calling : 26.01.1949
Native Place : Coatbridge
Country : Scotland
Place of Vision : United States of America
When a missionary from China appealed for workers to labor in the mission field, Marshall immediately obeyed and surrendered his life to God's work.
Marshall had neither the education required by the London Missionary Society nor the money to pursue studies. But led by the Holy Spirit, he moved to America. The first few months in America, things proved tougher than he expected.
Peter Marshall ministry in USA
He worked hard for long hours digging ditches and doing odd jobs. He had no friends nor the church. As he contemplated returning to Scotland, he received an invitation from a friend to come to Alabama. There he joined the First Presbyterian Church, and within few weeks, he became the teacher of the Men's Bible Class. Eventually, he graduated from Columbia Theological Seminary in 1931 and started serving at Atlanta's Presbyterian Church.
He then moved to Washington in 1937 and ministered mightily to awaken the spiritually asleep Americans. His sermons had life in them. He used poetic language to evoke the feelings of his listeners and connect those feelings to Biblical facts. A revival began, and the church compounds could not hold the gathering congregations.
In 1946, Marshall was appointed as the Chaplain of the US Senate. Usually, the senators cared less for the prayers and sermons. But Marshall's earnest appeals to God for guidance over the Senate's deliberations compelled senators to cease talking and listen as Marshall prayed. Senators used to come early just to hear him pray.
Thus, wherever he was placed, be it a small pastorate in Georgia or the US Senate, he served the Lord faithfully until his home-calling in 1949.
Beloved, are you praying and ministering to awaken the sleeping Christians?
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Lord, help me serve you faithfully in places big and small. Amen!
Word of Prayer
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