Sadhu Sundar Singh biography, The people of Tibet were strong followers of Buddhism. The country forbade the gospel of Christ to be preached there, and anyone found violating this rule was punished cruelly.
Sadhu Sunder singh traveled to Tibet alone carrying Lord Jesus Christ in his heart and The Holy Bible in his hands. Singh was Sikh by birth and Hated Christianity. he lost his mother while he was fourteen and undersent a crisis of faith.
Accepting Christ:
One day he wanted to end his life if the true God Doesnt reveal himslef. Sudenly his room was filled with light, and he had a vision of Jesus. Sundar was convinced in his heart that Jesus was the true Savior.
Suffered for Christ:
After accepting Christ, he longed deeply for the people of Tibet to be saved. At the age of 19, he went to Tibet to preach the gospel, where he was caught and tortured by the Tibetan Lamas several times. He suffered all the punishments with joy.
A repetitive offender in Tibet was punished by being thrown into a deep dilapidated well and is left to ie inside it. Sadhu Sundar Singh was also given the same punishment. As soon as he hit the bottom of the well, his shoulders broke. he found several other rooting dead boies around him. But, after three days of prayer, he was miraculously rescued by someone who lowered a rope with a cot tied to it, he managed to get out of the well and resumed his evangelistic work.
He carried out God's work in many parts of Nepal, Tibet, and India. Sadhu sunder was an excellent teacher who taught the scriptures with illustrations, making them easy to understand. He wrote several books that are like a rod a staff to conduct a good Christian life. Sadhu Sundar Singh
He is referred to as 'an apostle with bleeding feet' and also as 'an Indian apostle.'
-Sadhu Sundar Singh
Beloved, are you willing to endure any suffering for Christ's sake?
Take Away
" Lord, give me the strength to abide in You no matter how much suffering i have to endure, Amen!"
Word of Prayer
Sadhu Sundar Singh
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