Saint Timothy, Timothy (whose name means ‘honoring God’) was a disciple of Apostle Paul and the first bishop of Ephesus. He was born to a Jewish mother and a Greek gentile father. From an early age, Timothy put his trust in God as modeled by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois. He accepted the gospel of Christ when Paul came to Lystra and became his disciple.
Birth: ~AD 17
Death: ~AD 97
Native Place: Lystra (in present-day Turkey)
Place of Vision: Ephesus
Timothy accompanied Paul during the latter’s second and third missionary journey and helped establish Christian communities in the ancient cities of Corinth, Thessalonica, and Philippi. Paul assigned Timothy, whom he loved like a son, to important missions as he grew in faith.
Alongside Paul, Timothy was mightily used by the Lord to strengthen the local churches.
Saint Timothy ministry in Ephesus
He was very careful at guarding the sound doctrine of the gospel. Whenever there were conflicts with the opponents of the gospel, he dealt with them very seriously by counseling his heart with the Truth and by holding firmly onto his faith. While the rest of his contemporaries were seeking their own selfish ends, Timothy was a man of genuine concern for the believers.
He was appointed by Paul to minister at Ephesus where he had to deal with spiritual charlatans. Stirring up his spiritual gifts he strived hard to uphold the gospel amidst the false teachings. He was never ashamed to speak of his Savior in the face of persecution and antagonism. He effectively carried out his pastoral duties and expounded the Truth of God accurately which led many disciples and believers to the knowledge of sound doctrine.
All through his life, Timothy never wavered as a disciple of Jesus which led to his persecution and finally to his martyrdom. It is said that he was killed by a pagan crowd when he opposed the veneration of their goddess.
Beloved, in the world of selfish pursuits, do you have a genuine concern for the ministry of God?
Take Away from the article
“Lord, help me to endure a legacy of faithful Christian service like Timothy. Amen!”
Word of Prayer
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