Samuel Paul Iyer biography

Samuel Paul Iyer biography

Samuel Paul Iyer biography, Rao Saheb is an honorary title. It was bestowed upon individuals during the British rule in India to individuals who performed faithful service or acts of public welfare to the nation. In 1899, this was awarded to Samuel Paul Iyer for his role in bringing peace to the riot-affected Sivakasi in South Tamil Nadu.

Biography :
Birth: 15-06-1844
Home Calling: 11-03-1900
Native Place: Tamil Nadu
Country : India
Place of Vision: India

When the political leaders could not intervene and hid themselves, Samuel Iyer intervened to put an end to the riots and help the parties make peace with each other.

Samuel Paul Iyer had learned the Bible doctrines from Sergent Iyer. With the blessings of his teacher, he worked in Otacamund (Ooty) for nine years. Without any religious difference, he welcomed everyone and made them sit together, and preached the love of God to them.

Samuel Paul Iyer ministry in India

Even in marketplaces, he preached God's truth in plain language. His regular interactions with the prisoners helped them to chose a new way of life. He organized events called 'Kathakalatsepam' (a musical style of preaching) every month that profoundly helped people relate to the Gospel. After having worked in Chennai for four years, he went to a place called 'Satchiyapuram' near Sivakasi and worked as a head priest.

He formed a choir with good singers and musical instruments and worked hard to bring revival to the local churches. He first introduced the 'festival of fasting,' which is still being celebrated across various churches to seek the Lord's face and pray for the revival in churches. In 1890, he worked as the editor of a Christian magazine and as an assistant pastor in a local church.

He had written 42 books that have been encouraging many Christian believers to grow in the love of God even today. He has also translated a version of John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress' into Tamil. Samuel Paul Iyer labored hard for Christ till the end and must have received a better title from the Lord when he entered the heavenly realms.

Beloved, are you an instrument of peace in this war-torn world?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me fulfill the duty of carrying the Gospel of peace to the peaceless world. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

Samuel Paul Iyer

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