Scott and Jennie Philips

Scott and Jennie Philips

Scott and Jennie Philips biography, “…but go thou and preach the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:60). Obeying to this commandment, the missionary couple Scott and Jennie Philips moved to Indonesia in 2003 to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ accessible to the tribal people of the Dao jungle, Indonesia.

Birth: -
Home Calling: -
Homeland: United States of America
Place of Vision: Indonesia

Scott was born to devout Christian parents. Believing that Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross for his sins, he received the Lord as his personal Savior. During the middle of his Bible Institute years, a missionary named Dun Gordy came and taught a one-week course on “Evangelism in Unreached Areas.”

It was then that Scott realized the worldwide need for tribal missions, which led him to direct his life towards fulfilling the Great Commission that was given to all the believers. In his commitment to the missionary ministry, Jennie, his wife, became a worthy partner.

Scott and Jennie Philips ministry in Indonesia

Jennie Philips accepted the Lord as her Savior at the age of 15. Since then, she decided to live the rest of her life for the One who died and rose again for her. After finishing High School, she joined the Word of Life Bible Institute. Forsaking her plans to become a medical missionary, she surrendered her life to spread the Good News of God’s love and salvation to the Dao tribes.

Together the couple established the DAO (Desiring Advancement Overseas) ministries to bring spiritual advancement to unreached, isolated, and remote people groups. Through the grace of God, the couple has led many of the Dao people to place their faith in Jesus Christ.

In a place where the tribals did not have a written language, Jennie translated the New Testament into the Dao language and is now halfway in translating the Old Testament. They are also training the Dao people to take the Gospel even deeper into the jungles of Indonesia. “People do not need a special call to do missionary work,” Scott Phillips said, “The call is in the Bible, and people just need to respond.”

Beloved, are you obeying the commandment “…go thou and preach the kingdom of God”?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help us as a family to encourage and support each other to fulfill the Great Commission. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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