Sophia Blackmore

Sophia Blackmore

Sophia Blackmore biography, Born in a devout family, Sophia Blackmore was raised in Godly fear and spiritual discipline. Her mother who was related to some great missionaries used to tell little Sophia about their work in China. At the age of 20, Sophia met Isabella Leonard an American Methodist evangelist who advised her to actively seek all that Christ has kept for her. This advice moved her deeply and commenced her journey to become a missionary.

Birth: 18-10-1857
Home Calling: 03-07-1945
Native Place: Goulburn
Country: Australia
Place of Vision: Singapore

But at that time, the Australian Church did not support unmarried women missionaries. But God made her paths straight through Isabella, who took her as her companion to India. With only God’s promises as her support, Sophia left for India intending to serve in China someday.

But while she was working in India she met missionary William Oldham who was searching for a female missionary to work in Anglo-Chinese School in Singapore. Knowing it to be God’s will, Sophia began learning the Malay language, and she was already fluent in Tamil. In God’s providence and Oldham’s guidance, Sophia reached Singapore in 1887.

Sophia Blackmore ministry in Singapore

Within a month of her arrival in Singapore, Sophia started a Tamil Girl’s School, later to be known as Methodist’s Girls School. Soon she established a mission station in Chinatown and began visiting the Peranakan Chinese women. The ladies were keen to know the Truth further and asked her to teach their children about Jesus.

Sophia also saw the need of establishing a home for the girls who escaped child trafficking. The home provided a Christian environment to the girls. They were taught to trust upon the Heavenly Father for all their needs. As a part of Malay language learning, the girls were taught to read, write, and memorize Bible verses in Malay. The Sunday School classes she conducted for them became the foundation for the earliest Methodist churches in Singapore.

After 40 years of service in Singapore, Sophia returned to Australia in 1928. She went to be with the Lord at the age of 88.

Beloved, are you ministering according to God’s will?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to shun my ideas and work according to the divine guidance and will. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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