Stephen Mattoon biography, was an American Presbyterian Missionary who worked in Siam, Thailand. He was raised in strong Christian faith and professed his faith at the age of 16. While working as a teacher, he felt the call for ministry. He joined Princeton Theological Seminary in 1846 and completed his studies on his own expenses.
Birth: 05-05-1816
Home Calling: 15-08-1889
Native Place: New York
Country: United States of America
Vision: Thailand
During his seminary studies, he took active responsibility in Presbyterian Church of Sandy Hills. He also took part in extensive preaching tours. During this time, he married Mary Lourie, who too had a similar burden for missionary service.
Along with another medical doctor, Samuel House, the newlywed couple arrived in Bangkok in 1847. Rev. Hemenway and Rev. Caswell who were already ministering there opened their homes to them.
Without any delay, Stephen indulged himself in learning the Siamese language, distributing tracts, and sharing the gospel with Siamese officials.
Stephen Mattoon ministry in Thailand
For a while, Stephen was a background worker, but the loss of Rev. Caswell proved to be a trigger for Stephen’s ministry. He started leading the services in Thai and conducting tri-weekly meetings in the bazaars. Despite the hostility of King Nangklao, the ministry flourished and more missionaries were recruited.
When Nangklao was succeeded by Prince Mongkut, the doors were further opened for missionary activity. He invited the missionaries' wives to give English classes to his queen. With his support, Stephen constructed mission compounds, schools, and churches. Mrs. Mattoon was a supporting partner for Stephen, who taught English lessons to the locals and also took up jobs to support the family. She earned the trust of the local women who entrusted their daughters under her care. Under her guidance, many girls progressed spiritually and physically.
Mrs. Matton's health forced her to return to America, but Stephen stayed behind to complete his translation of the Bible to the Siamese language. After a faithful ministry of 23 years, Stephen too returned to New York in 1847. There he shouldered several leadership roles in different ministries until his home calling in 1889.
Beloved, God is calling you to take up the responsibilities left by His servants. Are you ready?
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“Lord, help me to overcome my fears and take up the responsibilities You are ready to give. Amen!”
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