Thomas Mayhew Sr. biography, was such a valiant soul who surely ought to be included in the list of Missionary Heroes. Some people think their work is done at seventy, but not so Thomas Mayhew. His beginning of the missionary work has an interesting background.
Birth: 31-03-1593
Home Calling: 25-03-1682
Native Place: Tisbury
Country : United Kingdom
Place of Vision: Martha's Vineyard, United States of America
Thomas Sr., who moved to America in 1631, was a merchant and land proprietor in Massachusetts. He soon became the Governor of Martha's Vineyard, which was a part of Elizabeth Islands. Under his authority, the islands flourished physically and spiritually.
While Thomas Sr. was engaged in business ventures, his son Thomas Jr. was more concerned about the salvation of the tribals living in those Islands. He launched a gospel mission among the local tribes and established a small Anglican church.
Thomas Mayhew Sr. ministry in Martha's Vineyard
The mission flourished, and soon there were two hundred and eighty-two believers. After about five years of ministry, Thomas Jr. set out for England to raise funds for the missionary work. However, the ship was lost in the sea, so did Thomas Jr. Deeply disturbed by his son's death, Thomas Sr. made several efforts to find people who can continue the ministry his son has left. But no minister knew the language, and no one was ready to take the risk.
So, at the age of almost seventy, Thomas Sr. determined to take his son's place started to learn the local language. He began preaching at the different plantation areas week by week, in turn, sometimes walking twenty miles through the woods to meet the tribal congregations. Thomas Sr. touched thousands of lives and brought many tribals to Christ for the next twenty-five years.
During his ministry, the church added around 3000 souls to the Kingdom of God. The indefatigable Thomas Mayhew Sr. kept on with his missionary work until he was called to glory in his ninety-third year.
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“Lord, no matter how old I become, I offer all my life to your service. Amen!”
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