Albert Benjamin Simpson, was born to a pious Christian family and had a disciplined upbringing. As a child, he was afraid of Christians ethics, which demanded strict holiness. At the age of 15. his faith underwent a crisis, with his mind and spirit in deep turmoil.
Birth : 15.12.1843
Death : 29.10.1919
Native Place : Cavendish
Country : Canada
Place of Vision : Canada, America
However, he was touched by the line "The first good work you will ever perform is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ" that he read in a book called "Gospel Mystery of Sanctification" by Walter Marshall. That day he accepted Christ as his savior and was eventually called by God to serve him.
Ministry in America
He obtained a Theological degree in 1865 and was ordained a pastor at the age of 22 and served as a pastor in various churches of Ontario, Kentucky, and New York. He was a spellbinding preacher with a deep knowledge of the Scriptures.
Simpson had deep compassion for the lost. He was especially concerned for the neglected immigrants in New York. Conventional churches in those days had no place for such masses. Hence, he resigned from his pastorate and established the ' Gospel Tabernacle' church, which welcomed the sick, homeless, and the poor. He launched several missions and eatablished orphanages and healing homes through this church.
Although Simpson never became a missionary, he was one of the most succesful missions administrators. His passion for reaching out to the gentiles in the world motivate him to establish New York Missionary Training College to train laypeople in the mission field. He also established ' The Christian Alliance' and 'The Evangelical Missionary Alliance' to send missionaries to America and other countries.
Both the alliances were later merged to be called the "Christian and Missionary Alliance," which h sent out 300 Missionaries by 1895. Albert Benjamin Simpson wrote more than 100 books, several Hymns, booklets and edited Christian journals. His life influenced several other missionaries, pastors, and people of all denominations to spread the Gospel across the world.
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Lord, give me the wisdom, strength, and courage to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the Earth, Amen !
Word of Prayer
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