Alice Mildred Cable

Alice Mildred Cable Evangeline Francesca

Alice Mildred Cable Evangeline Francesca, Mildred Cable was the daughter of a prosperous draper in England. She decided to become a missionary at a young age and studied pharmacy and human sciences at London University. At the age of 22, hearing God’s call for China, she joined the China Inland Mission. She was joined by two other sisters, Evangeline French and Francesca French, who shared the same vision and burden for China.

Birth: 21 February 1878
Death: 30 April 1952 (aged 74)
Hampstead, London, England
Native Place: United Kingdom
Place of Vision: China

Together, they taught in a training school for girls in Hwochow for 21 years. Over the years, they came to be known as ‘The Trio.’ One of the most notable and remarkable works by The Trio was taking the Gospel to the villages and towns around the oases in the vast Gobi desert.

The desert is characterized by extreme weather conditions, with temperatures dropping to 41 degrees below zero in the winter yet rising to 122 degrees in the summer.

Alice Mildred Cable, Evangeline, Francesca ministry in China

The Trio was determined to take the Good News to the people living beyond the desert. They embarked on this mission journey with only a tent, kettle, a frying pan, three sleeping bags, and a load of Bibles. They traveled the desert for 16 years, and during their journey, they talked to other travelers and visited inns, sharing the Gospel with everyone they met.

The seed they had sown in the desert bore much fruit. Scripture did its work and brought many individuals to faith in Jesus. Little Christian groups were formed in the villages.

The Trio traveled far and wide, taking the Gospel to new areas. In their sixteen years of service, the Trio had visited 2,700 homes, conducted 665 meetings, and sold 40,000 copies of Scripture. The Trio finally retired to England in 1938, post which Mildred worked for the Bible Society in England until called to glory in 1952.

Beloved, are you ready to work for God in challenging conditions?

Take away from the article

“Lord, help me to utilize my full potential like The Trio to spread the Gospel. Amen!”

Word of Prayer

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