Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael

Amy Carmichael, Amy Beatrice Carmichael was born into a wealthy family in Ireland. At the age of 15, she accepte Christ as her savior. Being the eldest child, Amy worked hard to support her family after the death of her father. From her young age, my enthusiastically preached the gospel and was considerate about the poor. She worked among the Shawlies(mill girls wearing cheap shawls) who were not welcomed in the churches.

Birth : 16.12-1867
Death : 18.01.1951
City : County Down
Country : Ireland
Place of Vision : India

Hence, she rente temporary tin structures and conducted Sunday services for them. Amid such ministry, she heard Hudson Taylor speak became convinced of her calling to missionary work and applied for China Inland Mission. However, her health didn't permit her to go to China.

Amy Carmichael Ministry in India

In 1893 Amy went ot Japan on missionary work but had to return after fifteen months due to her poor health conditions. being a women who wouldn't easily give up, she joined the Zenana Missionary Soceity in 1894. in 1895 she arrived in India and initially worked with Thomas Walker in tinnevelly.

There she learned Tamil and adopted the Indian lifestyle. She worked especially among the women and brought many to Christ. She formed a group of women to reach out to the others with good news. In 1990 Amy moved to Dhonavur and saw the plight of young girls(devadasi) who were sold or dedicated to Temples. These girls were usually forced into prostitution to earn money.

Amy started rescuing such girls from temple prostituion and adopted them. She opened orphanages for such young girls and showed unconditional love towards them. She also founded the Dohnavur Fellowship to encourage and help the children grow in Christ. She also wrote and published 40 books. Amy, who was fondly clled 'Ammai'('Mother' in Tamil) went to be with the Lord after faithfully finishing her wordly duties in 1951.

"Beloved do you have a burden for the young people who are lost in the Sin?"

Take away from the article

" Lord, help me to guie the young people in the spiritual path. Amen!

Word of Prayer

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