Bartholomew the Apostle - Martyr for Christ, Once bartholomew was sitting under a fig tree when his friend Philip came to see him. He said that he as seen the messaiah, as the prohpets as foretold. Bartholomew, who first refused to believe, on persuasion finally set out to see Jesus.
Birth: 1st century AD Cama, Galilee, Roman Empire
Death: 1st century AD Albanopolis, Armenia
Ripped Alive,
Crucified Upside down,
throw into the sea
Place of Vision: INDIA & ARMENIA
When Jesus saw Nathaniel(Bartholomew) approaching, he said to him, "Behold on israelite indeed, in whom is no guile" (John 1:47). When he asked, " How do you know me ?" then Jesus said, " I saw you when you were sitting under the fig tree before philip called you." (John 1:48).
Bartholomew was surprised hearing this nd the very moment he as declared Jesus as Son of God and as a King of Israel and became his disciple. He as also been identified as Nathaniel in the Gospel of John. He had a pure Heart with no deceit. It is said that he was given the responsibility of looking out the families of apostles.
Visit to India:

Bartholomew came to India in second century to preach the gospel and to work amoing the Hindus and brahmins. Two ancient testimonies exist about the mission of saint bartholomew in India. These are the Eusebius of Caeseria(early 4th century) and of Saint Jerome(late 4th century).
Both of this refer to his tradition of speaking of reported visit of Pantaenus of India in 2nd century. The studies of Fr. A D Perumalil SJ and Moraes hold that the bombay region on the Konkan coast, a region which is known as the ancient city kalyan, was the field of saint bartholomew missionary activities.
His Death at Armenia:
Then he went to Armenia, where he healed the sick and revived the dead. An Armenian King called 'Polymius' accepted christ because of batholomew.
Enraged by the King's conversion, polymius brother, Prince Astyages, ordered batholomews torture and execution, which Bartholomew endured. He was crucified upside down and his boy was thrown into the sea.

Death of bartholomew, Martyr of Christ

Saint Batholomew
Skin Ripped Alive


Born in the royal family, he became a disciple of christ and a devoted his entire life for the pursuit of souls for Christ.
"Lord". give me the strength to do things you intend me to do, Amen !!
Word of Prayer
Hope you learned something about Saint Bartholomew, Please do share it with your friends and family !! Will be back with another article of another great martyr for Christ !! Stay Blessed !! cheers - @Tyson Paul
Bartholomew the Apostle - Martyr for Christ
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